Monday, April 23, 2012

Empire Star:

I was a bit confused while reading this book. I didn't totally understand what actually the characters were and why they were fighting in the begging or why he had to send a message to Empire star. I just didn't understand this reading. i tried rereading it to see what was going on and everytime i reread it i was more confused then the last time i read it.
Babel 17:

I'll have to be honest i read the first 2 pages and had to stop. My brother and uncle are in the Marines, my uncle just got back from Afghanistan and my brother is leaving in 2 days to go Afghanistan. Reading the first 2 pages of Babel 17 put some bad images in mind of my brother and uncle. I've had many family members past and i haven't fully recovered from their deaths. Since the main character is a General it was just creepy how way too many bad thoughts flew into my head about my brother going to Afghanistan. It gives me chills.
Oryx and Crake:

I love books that make you re-think and have a mysterious plot to them. This book really made you re-think. It seems as though every step we take could led this fantasy to become reality. The book was interesting but strange all at the same time. I was confused in some parts when the book referenced the bible and Frankenstein, even though some things were confusing the book over all was a fun book to read.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Lilith's Brood:

This was a very interesting book. I could feel the fear the main character. I would ask a lot of questions of where I was if I got captured too. I would be very scared. She handled it a lot better then I would have. I thought she was very smart not to ignore them like they ignored her. I thought it was really neat how when she woke up from her nap food would appear. Although I'm not to sure if I would eat it just in case the captors poisoned it or something. you never know what could happen.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Anansi Boys:

Anansi Boys was a very good book. I enjoyed reading it. Although I've never lost a mom or dad I have lost aunts, uncles, grandparents, and animals. I knew how the main character felt. The only thing I didnt know how the main character felt was the relationship he had with his dad. I'd be so lost with out my dad, I'm daddy's little girl and couldn't ever imagine it any other way. I felt really sad that he had to find out so much about his dad after his dad had died. I think I would be shocked too if I found out my dad was a God after he died or that I had a brother that I never knew of. I was glad that the main character had a loving fiance that was there for him and was very understanding. That's a lot of shocking news when you first marry someone. After all you do find out who your true friends are after finding out a lot you never knew before.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Wild Sheep Chase

Although at first I was confused and had to reread the book, I enjoyed reading it. I didn't like that the one girlfriend he had had asked him to hold her and be hers then left the next morning before he woke up after they had sex. I just didn't understand why you would leave someone after asking them to be yours and then having sex, just didn't seem right to me. I thought he handled her disappearing on him well, because I sure wouldn't be able to. At first when his first ex wife and him were talking I never would have guess she left him for his friend. I thought he had cheated on her the way she said "you don't have to explain yourself to me, I'm long gone out of the picture". It was a bit of a shocker. I thought it was weird that he had fallen in love with a girl through a picture of her ears. Kind of wished that the book had pictures, so I could understand how ears can be so impressive that they make you want to have the girl who owns the ears in the picture that is staring at you all day long. It was crazy that she knew how the phone was going to ring in ten minutes and that the conversation was going to be about sheep. It was like she was a physic or something.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

"Being John Malkovich"

I enjoyed watching this movie in the begging, I thought it would be cool to see the world through someone else's eyes. It would be really awesome to go into someone body for 15 minutes or so at first anyway. Although it would be creepy to go into someone's body as they were taking a shower or going to the bathroom. I thought it was neat that Craig used his puppets to tell the kind of life that he wanted to live. Towards the middle of "Being John Malkovich" the movie got weird but interesting all at the same time. I thought it was strange that Lotte wanted to be a guy after going through John Malkovich. I wasn't to sure why Craig and Lotte went through John's body to cheat on each other. Instead of tying Lotte up and putting her in the cage with the monkey, Craig should have just divorced her. At first I thought it was neat that Craig could get John to say what he wanted to say but Craig living his life through John Malkovich was really weird.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

I enjoyed watching this movie. It was almost like Alice in Wonderland. Even though the Goblin King kept giving Sarah obstacle after obstacle she never gave up. She kept going until she saved her baby brother. I was scared and didn't think she was going to make it after the Goblin King fast forward time on her. I didn't think it was right for her to get mad at her parents and take it out on her little brother, but I was happy to see that she really did care about her baby brother and went looking for him. At first I thought she was going to give up after the one Goblin was rude and didn't want to help her. I glad to see he came around and secretly helped Sarah out to find her baby brother.
At first I thought it was going to be like Chronicles of Narnia. But it so wasn't. I didn't get why the dwarfs were running away from the ghostly spirit figure that came out of the little boy's closet, besides the fact that it was scary looking, I'd run too. I was lost through the movie and didn't get much into it.
I started liking the movie, "Audition", until he started to get dizzy and blacked out. I thought it was good for him to get out and try to look for a new wife like his son told him too. Even though he had his son there with him he just seemed so sad and needed someone to get out of the house with and go hang out with. I was interested in the girl he had found, and why his friend didn't think she was the right girl. She became fishy after that. His friend was right though, pictures are just pictures it's the resume that you should really go by, even though she had lied on the whole thing. I have to be honest though, I didn't get to see the end, I couldn't get pass the fact that the girl cut the one guy's head off with the wire. Which i really wanted to know if the main character ever found her after he went searching for her.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Vampire Week

Movie: "The Lost Boys".
Book: "Interview with the Vampire".

The vampires in the movie were a lot different then the vampire in the book. In the book the vampire was friendly and wanted to tell the boy his story on how he became a vampire, in the movie the vampires weren't as friendly and wanted to kill everyone that came in their path and wanted to rule everything.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Movie: Let the Right One in.

I'm not one to watch movies with bloody scenes in it but "Let the Right One in" wasn't that bad. Overall it was a really good movie.

Book: Monster Island

If I was on a boat coming up to the dock full of zombies I think I would be just a little scared of being attacked. I did enjoy the book though, I've always wanted to see the Statue of Liberty.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

1. scary music
2. cob webs
3. creeping noises
4. the fear in the actor/actress eyes